Create planes SOLIDWORKS

Saturday, February 6, 2016

When you create planes in part a SOLIDWORKS Reference Plane at an angle, You can use planes to sketch, to create a section view of a model, for a neutral plane in a draft feature, and so on. typically you would select a face or plane for the reference angle, then select an edge or axis on which to rotate about. But this may not be in the position you want it to be and then forces you to make another reference plane for the offset. Click Plane (Reference Geometry toolbar) or Insert > Reference Geometry > Plane . In the PropertyManager, select an entity for First Reference . The software creates the most likely plane based on the entity you select. You can select options under First Reference, such as Parallel, Perpendicular, and so forth to modify the plane. To clear references, right-click the item in First Reference and click Delete. Select a Second Reference and Third Reference as necessary to define the plane. The Message box reports the status of the plane. The plane status must be Fully defined to create the plane. Click .


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