Basic Concepts 3D Solidworks

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Basic Concepts • A SolidWorks model consists of parts, assemblies, and drawings. • Typically, you begin with a sketch, create a base feature, and then add more features to your model. (You can also begin with an imported surface or solid geometry.) • You are free to refine your design by adding, changing, or reordering features. • Associativity between parts, assemblies, and drawings assures that changes made to one view are automatically made to all other views. • You can generate drawings or assemblies at any time in the design process. • The SolidWorks software lets you customize functionality to suit your needs. • Click Tools, Options on the main menu to display the available System Options and Document Properties tabs. • The SolidWorks software saves your work for you. The auto recover option automatically saves information about your active part, assembly, or drawing document so you do not lose your work in case of a system crash. To set this option, click Tools, Options. On the System Options tab, click Backups and select Save auto recover info every changes. Specify the number of changes that should occur before information is automatically saved.
SolidWorks 2004
Reference Guide

The Workflow Customization SolidWorks

Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Workflow Customization section of the Welcome To SolidWorks window allows you to hide and display tools, links, and menus items based on your usage of SolidWorks. You can select one, two, all, or none of the following categories:
Machine Design
Mold Design
Consumer Product Design
When you select an option in the Workflow Customization section of the window, the following changes will occur in your part document environment:
Machine Design 
The Machine Design Overview, Machine Design Tutorials, and SolidWorks SimulationXpress links will be displayed on the SolidWorks Resources tab of the task pane. Sheet Metal and Weldments tabs will be added to the CommandManager. The Molds menu item will be hidden in the Insert menu. Draft Analysis, Undercut Detection, and Deviation Analysis will also be hidden in the Tools menu.
Mold Design 
The Mold Design Overview, Mold Design Tutorials, and Import File links will be displayed on the SolidWorks Resource tab of the task pane. Surfaces and Molds tabs will be added to the  CommandManager. The Weldments menu item will be hidden in the Insert menu.
Consumer Product Design 
A Consumer Product Tutorials link will be displayed on the SolidWorks Resources tab of the task pane. The Surfaces tab will be added to the CommandManager. The Weldments menu item will be hidden in the Insert menu. The Undercut Detection menu item will be hidden in the Tools menu.
SolidWorks 2010
No Experien ce Re quired
Alex Ruiz
with Gabi Jack
by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

Understanding Design Intent in Solidworks tutorial

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Design Intent is a phrase that you will hear often among SolidWorks users. I like to think of it as “design for change.” Design Intent means that when you put the parametric sketch relations together with the feature intelligence, you can build models that react to change in predictable ways. This gives you a great deal of control over changes.
An example of Design Intent could be a written statement that describes general aspects that help define the design of a part, such as “This part is symmetrical, with holes that line up with Part A and thick enough to be flush with Part B.” From this description, and the surrounding parts, it is possible to re-create the part in such a way that if Part A or Part B changes, the part being described updates to match.
Some types of changes can cause features to fail or sketch relations to conflict. In most situations, SolidWorks has ample tools for troubleshooting and editing that you can use to repair or change the model. In these situations, it is often the Design Intent itself that is changing.
Best Practice
When editing or repairing relations, it is considered best practice to edit rather than delete. Deleting often
causes additional problems further down the tree. Many users find it tempting to delete anything that has an
error on it. n
Editing Design Intent
Design Intent is sometimes thought of as a static concept that controls changing geometry.
However, this is not always the way things are. Design Intent itself often changes, thus requiring
the way in which the model reacts to geometric changes to also change. Fortunately, SolidWorks
has many tools to help you deal with situations like this.
Choosing Sketch Relations
Seeing the sketch relation symbols is the best tool for visualizing Design Intent. You can show or
hide icons that represent the relations by choosing View ➪ Sketch Relations. When shown, these
relations appear as an icon in a small colored box in the graphics area next to the sketch entity.
Chapter 1: Introducing SolidWorks
Clicking the icon highlights the sketch elements involved in that relation. Refer to Figures 1.19
through 1.25 for examples of these relations.
The Sketch Relations option is an excellent candidate for use with a hotkey, thus enabling you to toggle the
display easily on and off. n
For more information on creating and managing hotkeys, see Chapter 2. n
You can use the sketch relation icons on the screen to delete relations by selecting the icon and
pressing Delete on the keyboard. You can also use them to determine the status quickly of sketch
relations by referring to the colors defined earlier.
Selecting Display/Delete Relations
You can find the Display/Delete Relations tool on the Sketch toolbar or by clicking a sketch entity
in an open sketch. The sketch status colors defined earlier also apply here, with the relations
appearing in the appropriate color. (Relations are not shown in blue or black, only the colors that
show errors, such as red, yellow, and brown.) This tool also enables you to group relations by several
l All in This Sketch
l Dangling
l Overdefining/Not Solved
l External
l Defined in Context
l Locked
l Broken
l Selected Entities
In the lower Entities panel of the Display/Delete Relations PropertyManager, shown in Figure 1.26,
you can also replace one entity with another, or repair dangling relations.

SolidWorks® 2010
Matt Lombard
Published by
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
10475 Crosspoint Boulevard
Indianapolis, IN 46256

Extrude boss featured solidworks

Friday, March 25, 2016

When we create an extrude boss featured solidworks, we can determine the parameters for extrudes Boss with a lot of ways, To create an extrude feature: Create a sketch. Click one of the extrude tools: Extruded Boss/Base on the Features toolbar, or click Insert, Boss/Base, Extrude Extruded Cut on the Features toolbar, or click Insert, Cut, Extrude Extruded Surface on the Surfaces toolbar, or click Insert, Surface, Extrude Set the PropertyManager options. To extrude in both directions from the sketch plane, set the PropertyManager options in Direction 1 and Direction 2. To extrude as a thin feature, set the PropertyManager options in Thin Feature. When you drag the manipulator to set the size, an Instant3D ruler appears so you can set precise values. Click .Blind. Extends the feature from the sketch plane for a specified distance. Through All. Extends the feature from the sketch plane through all existing geometry. Up To Next. Extends the feature from the sketch plane to the next surface that intercepts the entire profile. (The intercepting surface must be on the same part.)

Cut a solid body with a surface Solidworks

Thursday, March 17, 2016

To cut a solid body with a surface or plane: In the sample picture above model body surface and there is no sketch line. The first one we will use the technique with the cut surface. The steps are as follows, 1. Extrude the sketch boss to pass through his body surface. 2. Click OK 3. Insert -> Cut -> with surface 4. Select the surface that the color yellow, determine the direction cut, and OK. Right-click on the surface of the body select Hide Body Edit the solid body: In the FeatureManager design tree, click the solid body and click Edit Part. The Edit command might vary depending on the feature you select. Click Cut With Surface on the Features toolbar, or click Insert > Cut > With Surface. In the PropertyManager, under Surface Cut Parameters, select the surface or plane to use to cut the solid bodies. Examine the preview. If necessary, click Flip cut to reverse the direction of the cut. The arrow points in the direction of the solid to discard. With multibody parts, under Feature Scope, select one of the following: All bodies. The surface cuts all bodies every time the feature rebuilds. If you add new bodies to the model that precede the cut feature in the FeatureManager design tree and that are intersected by the cutting surface, these new bodies are also rebuilt to include the cut. Select bodies. The surface cuts only the bodies you select using the pointer. If you add new bodies to the model that are intersected by the cutting surface, right-click, select Edit Feature, and select those bodies to add them to the list of selected bodies. If you do not add the new bodies to the list of selected bodies, they remain intact. The solid bodies you select are highlighted in the graphics area, and listed under Feature Scope next to . Auto-select (Available with Selected bodies). Automatically selects all relevant intersecting bodies. Auto-select is faster than All bodies because it processes only the bodies on the initial list and does not rebuild the entire model.

Create a tapered shape Solidworks Blind

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

I have tried to create a tapered shape Solidworks. We make a circle first in the top plane. Click on the origin (0,0), then drag the mouse to form a circle. The next step after getting out of the sketch, click Insert, choose extruded, choose boss / base In the configuration extrude Direction 1 Choose the Blind, to determine the distance extrude input range Diameter 40 angle 45derajad Draft outward Do not tick Click OK. Tapering...Taper preview Tapered and Perpendicular Draft Steps Tapered and Perpendicular Draft Steps...Tapered steps applied Example of Flex Tapering2 The taper zone is limited by the position of the trim planes...To adjust the taper, move the pointer over a trim plane edge to display the Helix/Spiral PropertyManager Creates a tapered helix. (Available only for constant pitch helixes.) Select Taper Helix Parts and Features > Features Flex Overview and Options Tapering follows the direction of the triad's blue Z-axis...The trim planes do not move when you adjust the Taper factor Parts and Features EXTRUDE 2 Extrusion taper angle <0 .000000="" 2d="" 3d="" from="" moving="" to=""> 2D Emulator Neutral Plane Draft You can create a feature that tapers selected model faces by a specified angle, using a Neutral Plane to determine the direction of pull for creating molds Parts and Features  Features Mold Tools - Ruled Surfaces Replace non-drafted surfaces on imported models with drafted surfaces (using the Tapered or Sweep type...Ruled surface is tapered to the specified vector...With Tapered to Vector, Perpendicular to Vector, or Sweep Mold Design  Ruled Surfaces Standard Hole Size Tapered Drill Tapered are not supported for Legacy Hole types Design Checker Feature Checks Draft PropertyManager Tapered steps (Step Draft only...Creates the surfaces in the same manner as the tapered surfaces Parts and Features Features Parting Line with Step Draft Select Tapered steps if you want the surfaces to generate in the same manner as the tapered surfaces Parts and Features Features Mold Design Tools Overview tool to create surfaces that are either perpendicular or tapered away from selected edges Mold Design|SOLIDWORKS Fundamentals Industry-specific Design Tools|Mold Design Tools Overview Intersect planes are typically used to locate the starting or ending location of a tapered surface Counterbore Countersink Hole Straight Tap Tapered Tap Legacy Hole Holes created prior to the SolidWorks 2006 release Parts and Features Features Hole Wizard Overview Tapered Tap Parts and Features Features Tool and Die Design Tools Overview Deforms complex models in an intuitive manner by bending, twisting, tapering and stretching.

Solidworks tutorial Sketch smart dimension

Sunday, March 13, 2016

To use sketch smart dimension is very easy. We dimension 2D or 3D sketch entities with the Smart Dimension tool. We can drag or delete a dimension while the Smart Dimension tool is active. Dimension types are determined by the sketch entities you select. For some types of dimensions (point-to-point, angular, circular), the location where you place the dimension also affects the type of dimension that is added Start program SolidWorks and begin open a new part. Select the Front Plane and sketching. Make a sketch of the line consisting of four rows and three dimensions. Make sure the lower left corner of the sketch is the origin. Click on the Arc Tangent in the PropertyManager. Click on the right end of the horizontal line above. Place the tip of the arc at the tip end of a horizontal line above. Press the button to end the command line. Set the dimensions for the bow that we just created Click on the Smart dimension in-Command Manager. Create a dimension for each line of 60, 30, 20 Click on the arc. Set dimensions. Create an arc radius to 65. Click on OK. Creating a curved edge between the arc and the vertical line. Click on the Sketch Fillet CommandManager. Create a radius of 10 mm 'in the Property Manager-. Click on the bow, to the left of the vertical line. Click on the vertical line, just below the arc. Click on OK.

Design surface extend process Solidworks

Friday, March 11, 2016

In creating a design surface extend process, to create a different surface extend bodies with bodies initially is the first way described below is prepared in advance which of the surface did extend the surface, With the menu extend surface, we can extend the surface by selecting the edge, some edge, or face. To make the surface extends: Click the Extended surface on the toolbar or click Insert Surface, surface, this case I use the following surface. The second is to please you perform the Offset Surface please enter the offset of 0 mm from the surface beginning then you already have two different surface bodies. Third please do hide bodies, in this case please hide bodies which would be the main bodies by right-clicking and then hide. After the hide one bodies the next step is please make the process extend to the bodies that are still visible today. With the above process, then you already have a new bodies are already extend surface. The fourth is to please you show that you hide bodies in the previous step, then please go to the feature Intersection Curve, after entering please and choose two bodies that have been created earlier. then OK. In the Property Manager: Under Edges / Faces to Extend, select one or more sides or face as desired. If we choose the edge, extending surface extends along the field edge. If we choose the face, extending surface extends along all sides of the face except those connected to the other face. we can make the surface extended to face tangent by clicking on the callout the which appears only if we choose the edge.

Sweep surface Solidworks

Saturday, March 5, 2016

To create a sweep surface: Create planes to sketch a sweep profile, sweep path, and if necessary, guide curves. Swept Surface To create a swept surface...Click Swept Surface (Surfaces toolbar) or Insert > Surface > Sweep Parts and Features > Features Sweep PropertyManager Sketch a profile and a path to follow, then click Swept Boss/Base (Features toolbar), Swept Cut (Features toolbar), or Swept Surface (Surfaces toolbar... Parts and Features > Features Creating a Sweep Swept Cut on the Features toolbar or Insert > Cut > Sweep...Swept Surface on the Surfaces toolbar or Insert > Surface > Sweep Parts and Features > Features Sweep profile sketch and the path we created in planes. we also can sketch the sweep path in planes model or use the model edge for the path. Profile sketch by sketch path preview sweep If we use a guide curve, making coincident or using guide curves and profiles. Click Swept Surface on the Surfaces toolbar, or click Insert, Surface, Sweep. Set the Set the PropertyManager options. Click OK.

Make it sketch driven patterns

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Creates the pattern using only the geometry (faces and edges) of the features, rather than patterning and solving each instance of the features. The Geometry Pattern option speeds up the creation and rebuilding of the pattern. You cannot create geometry patterns of features that have faces merged with the rest of the part. On learning solidwork this time we will try to make the facility located in solidwork namely Sketch Driven Patterns By using the sketch points, we can determine the pattern features. This feature is spread across a pattern for each point in the sketch. we can use sketch driven patterns for holes or other feature instances. Bodies to Pattern. For multibody parts, select a separate body to create a sketch driven pattern. To create a sketch driven pattern: Open a sketch on the face. Create a seed feature on the model. Click Point or Tools, Sketch Entity, Point and add multiple sketch points to represent a pattern that we want to create, based on the seed feature. Close the sketch. Click Sketch Driven Pattern on the Features toolbar, or click Insert, Pattern / Mirror, Sketch Driven Pattern. If necessary, use the flyout FeatureManager design tree to select Sketch References used as a pattern.

Move on Solidworks

Monday, February 22, 2016

Learning solidworks: Move Move or Copy entities by selecting from and to points or by using X and Y destination coordinates Menu to move the sketch which we have previously made. 1. In Edit Sketch mode: - Click Move Entities (Sketch toolbar) -Tools, Sketch Tools, Move 2. In the PropertyManager, under Entities to Move - Select sketch entities for Sketch item or annotations - Select Keep relations to maintain its position among the entities that do not want to be moved. 3.Under Parameters: - Select From / To, click Start point to set a Base point, and then drag to position the sketch entities. -or Select X / Y and set values for Delta X and Delta Y to position the sketch entities. 4. Click Repeat to again change the position of sketch entities 5.Klik Below I have put in a simple application, please

Click Solidworks Insert Cut Extrude

Saturday, February 20, 2016

How can I extrude cut or do a cut with a surface a specific feature. If you take a look at the picture below. I have the extrusion of the round piston and that is cut a specific way. Now I have an extrusion inside the walls of the piston and that is cut the same way but at an offset from the piston. To create an extrude feature: Create a sketch. Click one of the extrude tools: Extruded Boss/Base on the Features toolbar, or click Insert, Boss/Base, Extrude Extruded Cut on the Features toolbar, or click Insert, Cut, Extrude Extruded Surface on the Surfaces toolbar, or click Insert, Surface, Extrude Set the PropertyManager options. To extrude in both directions from the sketch plane, set the PropertyManager options in Direction 1 and Direction 2. To extrude as a thin feature, set the PropertyManager options in Thin Feature. When you drag the manipulator to set the size, an Instant3D ruler appears so you can set precise values. Click .

Convert Entities SolidWorks tutorial

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Convert Entities are used to create curves in a sketch by projecting a rib (edge) / side (face) / curve / contour sketch / series of ribs (edge) / series sketch curve into the sketch field. You can create one or more curves in a sketch by projecting an edge, loop, face, curve, or external sketch contour, set of edges, or set of sketch curves onto the sketch plane. Convert Entities tool will be used as a sketch for the path in Swept Cut feature. 1. Open SolidWorks, File> New> part 2. We create a sketch with a plane Front 3. Exit Sketch, click the Features tab> select the features Extruded Boss / Base, to end the Condition = Mid Plane, depth = 20mm. Click OK. 4. Sweep feature requires two sketch, one as Path and only as a Profile. We will make a sketch for the path first. Create a sketch with a plane in the Front. We will select all the curves at the top (press the Ctrl key to select more than one object). 5. Press the Convert Entities, all objects that have been previously selected will be projected into the Front Plane and transformed into sketch entities. 6. Press the Trim Entities, select Power Trim to extend the ends of the sketch. Mouse left click the sketch entity at the threshold to be extended, the drop (Drag) that edge. 7. Exit Sketch, we will create a profile sketch for the sweep, to sketch the plane perpendicular to one end of the sketch for the path. In the pulldown menu, click Insert> Reference Geometry> Plane. Select Normal to select lines and points as shown below. 8. Create a sketch with Plane just created. Click the View> Normal To. 9. Create a circle with the center of the circle at the point of Origin. 10. Exit Sketch, We've got two sketch for the Sweep feature, click the Features tab> select the features Swept Cut, for Profile select the circle and to select sketch elongated path, as in the image below. 11. The results are as follows (Plane to sketch Profile on Hide). 12. Done.

Make a Swept Boss Base Solidworks

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

SolidWorks tutorial we will learn how to make a sweep with SolidWorks and in this tutorial you will learn how to use the following functions: 2D sketch, create a 2D circle, making Swept Boss / Base. The steps to create features swept boss / base Open new part Click the sketch, click the line and select right plane Create a sketch like this Then create a new plane is the front plane On the front plane that create a polygon sketch click ok Click on the features and click swept boss / base Sweep and a box will appear on top of the box select the polygon whereas the bottom box select the first sketch click Ok Sweep creates a base, boss, cut, or surface by moving a profile (section) along a path, according to these rules: The profile must be closed for a base or boss sweep feature; the profile may be open or closed for a surface sweep feature. The guide curve must be coincident with the profile or with a point in the profile sketch. Neither the section, the path, nor the resulting solid can be self-intersecting. The path may be a set of sketched curves contained in one sketch, a curve, or a set of model edges. The path must intersect the plane of the profile. The path may be open or closed.

Create Revolved Boss Bases Solidworks

Monday, February 8, 2016

SolidWorks modeling makes it very easy and most renowned companies from various sectors (Automotive, Aerospace, Construction, manufacturing, etc.) to use as the primary modeling tool. SolidWorks is a tutorial that shows how to use SoildWorks Revolved Boss / Base features with examples of the steps in the form of images. Revolve Boss / Base is one of the main features such as Extrude boss / base, which helps to add material by means of revolving. This function helps to create a symmetrical spherical model, the only thing is that the first half of a symmetrical sketch you want to spin and also draw the axis. Exit the sketch and click on the tab feature and select Revolve Boss / Base. Specify axis and the part that will rotate and click the OK button. New -> Select plane and sketch -> half pictures and specify the dimensions of symmetrical parts -> Exit sketch -> Click on Features -> Revolve Boss / Base -> Define axes and other settings as your requirement -> Ok. To create a revolve feature, use the following guidelines: The sketch for a solid revolved feature can contain multiple intersecting profiles . With the Selected Contours pointer (available when you click Selected Contours in the PropertyManager), you can select one or more intersecting or non-intersecting sketches to create the revolve. The sketch for a thin or surface revolved feature can contain multiple open or closed intersecting profiles. The profile sketch must be a 2D sketch; 3D sketches are not supported for profiles. The Axis of Revolution can be a 3D sketch. Profiles cannot cross the centerline. If the sketch contains more than one centerline, select the centerline you want to use as the axis of revolution. For revolved surfaces and revolved thin features only, the sketch cannot lie on the centerline. You can create multiple radial or diametric dimensions without selecting the centerline each time. When you dimension a revolve feature inside the centerline, you produce a radius dimension for the revolve feature. When you dimension across the centerline, you produce a diameter dimension for the revolve feature.

Create a 2D sketch drawing in Solidworks

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Create a 2D sketch drawing . We recommend that you understand the correct commands or toolbar function of this sketch more depth. Because of the existing toolbar from this sketch has a function and a different orientation . with 2D sketches first. Solidwork by default has provided three pieces of plane , namely Top, Front and right plane . This plane will be used to place / paste from the 2D sketch drawing that will be created to form a 3-dimensional . You can create drawing geometry using 2D sketched geometry only, without reference to existing models or assemblies. This sketched geometry can be controlled by relations (collinear, parallel, tangent, and so on), as well as parametric dimensions. Sketch tools and sketch relations work the same way in a drawing document as they do in a part or assembly document. The only difference is that instead of sketching on model planes or faces, you sketch on the drawing sheet or in an active view. When you drag a sketch point in a drawing, it snaps or infers to other sketches, drawing views, blocks, and items in the sheet format.

Create planes SOLIDWORKS

Saturday, February 6, 2016

When you create planes in part a SOLIDWORKS Reference Plane at an angle, You can use planes to sketch, to create a section view of a model, for a neutral plane in a draft feature, and so on. typically you would select a face or plane for the reference angle, then select an edge or axis on which to rotate about. But this may not be in the position you want it to be and then forces you to make another reference plane for the offset. Click Plane (Reference Geometry toolbar) or Insert > Reference Geometry > Plane . In the PropertyManager, select an entity for First Reference . The software creates the most likely plane based on the entity you select. You can select options under First Reference, such as Parallel, Perpendicular, and so forth to modify the plane. To clear references, right-click the item in First Reference and click Delete. Select a Second Reference and Third Reference as necessary to define the plane. The Message box reports the status of the plane. The plane status must be Fully defined to create the plane. Click .

Creating Reference Axes SOLIDWORKS

Friday, February 5, 2016

Today I will show you how the Creating Reference Axes. When you need to generate a SOLIDWORKS Reference Plane at an angle, typically you would select a face or plane for the reference angle, then select an edge or axis on which to rotate about. But this may not be in the position you want it to be and then forces you to make another reference plane for the offset. If you need to create a Reference Plane at a certain angle somewhere out in space, create a simple sketch with a line as the reference and then generate your Reference Plane. You can create a reference axis, also called a construction axis. To create a reference axis: Click Axis Tool_Axis_Reference_Geometry.gif on the Reference Geometry toolbar, or click Insert > Reference Geometry > Axis. Select the axis type in the Axis PropertyManager, then select the required entities for that type. Verify that the items listed in Reference Entities select_edge_faces_vertex.png correspond to your selections. Click PM_OK.gif. Click View > Axes to see the new axis.